10 Reasons Why

Interdisciplinary. International. Practice-oriented.

More than just an LLM

More than just one law

More Than Just An MBA

More Than Just A Linear Approach

More than just Germany

More than just studying

More than just research

More than just academics

More than just a year

More than just our word

Thomas Hocks (Germany), Director - Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Abu Dhabi, UAE

"The challenges international corporations face, arise not only from the business side, but are increasingly at an intersection with law, economics, and politics. In order to help their clients, management consultants need to understand multiple if not all of these dimensions. The MLB is an excellent program that cuts through various disciplines and provides this valuable 'intersection knowledge'."

Jovana Zec (Serbia), Commercial Contracts Specialist at Vestas, Hamburg, Germany

"The MLB creates a unique academic environment, where young professionals with different backgrounds from various cultures meet and thrive together. With the interdisciplinary approach, graduates gain a better understanding of business’ risks associated with complex legal issues and vice versa. Furthermore, they develop a skill set necessary for good communication in any international environment. For me personally, it was a prefect preparation for my current job where I daily liaise with people from all over the world."

Evelyn Ederveen (The Netherlands), Associate at Houthoff, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"I came to Germany for an exchange semester at the Bucerius Law School during my LLM in Amsterdam. The Law School offered me a really welcoming and inspiring environment, which made me decide to apply for the Master in Law and Business. Thanks to the DAAD scholarship, I was able to follow my plan as the scholarship fully covered my living expenses."

Leslie Octaviano (The Philippines), Senior Legal Counsel - Fintech and Payments at Delivery Hero, Germany

"The MLB at Bucerius was the perfect program to support my journey in establishing a career in Germany. The courses provided a solid introduction to various legal aspects of Germany and the EU, and firmed up my working knowledge on business fundamentals - both of which are valuable in an in-house counsel role."

