Meet: Lerato – Bucerius Summer Program student from South Africa

Each summer, people from all over the world come to Hamburg to take part in the Bucerius Summer Programs. Here, they share their experiences.

Education & Study |

Where are you from?

I am from South Africa, Johannesburg.


Where did you study before coming to Bucerius Law School?

I obtained a BA LAW and LLB degree from the University of Pretoria in 2018 and 2020 respectively.


What is your profession at the moment?

I am currently an associate designate at a South African law firm in Johannesburg. I currently practice in diverse legal realms within the firm, including commercial and corporate law, litigation, family law and other related fields, with a keen interest in alternative dispute resolutions and international business law.


What makes the subject of international business law interesting to you?

As a corporate attorney with a passion for international law and a desire to practice on a global scale, the international business law program immediately stood out to me as an unparalleled opportunity. This program promises to not only deepen my understanding of the international legal landscape but also provide invaluable insights into European institutions.

My aspiration is to evolve into a highly skilled attorney capable of adeptly representing clients in complex cross-border transactions and effectively navigating the intricacies of diverse legal systems. And the international business law did exactly that, and more. Currently practicing in South Africa with a focus on business law, my aim in joining the Bucerius law program was to expand my expertise significantly.

The program exceeded my expectations by not only enhancing my understanding but also providing a comprehensive exploration of international business law. I am confident that this experience has equipped me with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the dynamic and challenging realm of international law.


How did you hear about the Bucerius summer program in Hamburg?

When I heard about the summer programme from a colleague who attended the program in the year 2022, I knew that the program would be an opportunity I wanted to take not only for myself but for my legal career. Therefore, I did a lot of research about the school itself and the various programmes offered.


What can you take with you from the summer program for your everyday professional life?

Within the diverse array of modules offered during the summer program in international business law, I meticulously handpicked selections that I foresaw as instrumental in enhancing both my current professional endeavors and future aspirations as an attorney.

The program has been a transformative experience, propelling me far ahead of my peers and providing me with skills and insights that have proven indispensable in the realm of commercial and business law. The acquired knowledge has not only honed my legal expertise but has also made me a more well-rounded and impressive legal professional. Since completing the program, I've effectively applied my newfound skills, resulting in my promotion to an associate at the firm.

I've successfully handled a multitude of alternative dispute resolution matters and adeptly negotiated and finalized several international contracts. The impact on my growth has been immeasurable, reflecting the invaluable contribution of the program to my professional journey.


Where do you see the benefit in studying abroad, especially since you are already working?

The advantages of studying abroad are abundant, and personally, my decision to pursue international education went beyond the opportunity of travel and discovering new places. Coming from a family that values continuous learning and growth, I have always aspired to elevate my academic experience each year. This time, I sought international accreditation and unique course offerings not readily available back home.

Career advancement was another compelling motive. I wanted to gain international experience, improve my skills, and acquire new ones. I aimed to position myself for success on the global stage. Studying abroad was a tangible way for me to prove my adaptability and competence in a diverse, international work environment.

The program's global cohort provided a rich tapestry of perspectives, fostering cross-cultural communication skills - an invaluable asset I gained in both my personal and professional life. Immersing myself in the vibrant culture of Hamburg added another layer of enrichment. Interacting with people from various countries broadened my understanding of the world, contributing to my cultural awareness.

The diverse blend of backgrounds and life experiences among my fellow students deepened my appreciation for different perspectives. Lastly, studying abroad has fostered significant personal growth. Navigating unfamiliar territory, adapting to new situations, and stepping out of my “comfort zone” were pivotal in cultivating resilience and confidence. My experience at Bucerius was truly a transformative journey that has left me more self-assured and equipped to face life and work challenges with a newfound sense of strength. I would definitely do it over again.


How do you manage working and taking part in the program?

My priority was to fully immerse myself in the program, absorbing knowledge and appreciating the vibrant the city of Hamburg. I planned to dedicate the late hours of the day to do my work, ensuring that the majority of my day was spent on campus actively participating in the program. This allowed me to connect with new acquaintances, immerse myself in the unique experiences offered, and uncover the hidden gems of Hamburg.


Which site visit did you participate in?

I had the incredible opportunity to visit both the Bucerius Kunstform and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea, and each experience left an indelible mark on me.

Starting with the Bucerius Kunstform, the sheer magnificence of the building's architecture and interior captivated me from the moment I stepped in. The warm and welcoming staff set the tone for a remarkable tour, where we explored the breathtaking exhibition featuring the works of Lee Miller.

Although unfamiliar with Miller before the tour, her story unfolded before me, and by the end, I felt as though I had lived in her time, sharing her experiences. The exhibition, rich with history and emotion, was a powerful journey through German history, seen through the lens of Lee Miller's art. Witnessing her profound impact, I was moved to tears at one point, truly feeling privileged to connect with history on such a personal level.

Equally enchanting was my visit to the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. As a passionate attorney, anything law-related holds a special place in my heart, and this tour exceeded all expectations. The insights gained into the tribunal's significance, its intricate operations, and the vital maritime disputes it handles were invaluable.

Discovering that the former president of the tribunal, Judge Albert Hoffmann, comes from South Africa, my home country, was particularly inspiring. It validated my belief that regardless of my origins, if I continue to do what you love and work hard at it, I can achieve something just as prestigious Judge Hoffmann. Witnessing my country represented in such a distinguished manner fueled my motivation, to the extent that I contemplated a shift in my area of expertise to join the tribunal (laughs out loud). It was truly amazing, an experience I consider a highlight of my life.


Was the work environment there different from the ones you have experienced so far?

The work environment at Bucerius presented a refreshing departure what I am used to back at home. The teaching methodology employed by all the professors was not only innovative but also highly effective.

The emphasis on practical applications made the learning experience deeply personal and easily comprehensible. Each class was characterized by engaging discussions, prompt questions, and the exploration of practical scenarios and cases that demonstrated the real-world relevance of the content. This approach, in my opinion, epitomizes the most effective way to teach law.

The tangible nature of the content made it not only easy to grasp but also memorable, fostering a seamless transition from theory to practical application. The impact of this approach is evident in my everyday work; I've seamlessly applied the knowledge gained at Bucerius to every case since completing the program, elevating my performance as an attorney.

I genuinely believe that the teaching methods employed at Bucerius are a gold standard in legal education. I wish more law institutions would adopt this approach, as it has proven to be an invaluable asset to my professional growth, and I am confident it would be similarly beneficial for attorneys across the board.


Where do you see the biggest chances in working together in an international group?

The greatest chances, for me, would be in the field of alternative dispute resolutions particularly arbitration. This field of law involves the collaboration of various legal disciples, laws and different international bodies.

Collaborating with an international group in exploring different alternative dispute resolution methods would provide for an exciting opportunity that calls for brilliant legal ingenuity and minds with nuanced and innovative ways of addressing new and old legal problems without taking the conventional litigation route.


Who would you recommend the program to?

I would recommend the program to both practicing and non-practising attorneys alike. The skills and knowledge I gained are instrumental assets for every legal professional. The program not only challenges you to think innovatively and outside the box but also encourages you to surpass your own potential.

It opens doors to significant opportunities for growth and development, which are essential for any professional looking to engage with international clients or navigate the intricacies of international relations. 


How did you like Hamburg?

Hamburg captivated me with its lovely, peaceful ambiance and sense of safety. I fell in love with the beautiful architecture scattered around the city, so much so I really want to do my Masters in Law at Bucerius just to return to the city.

Despite being a bustling city, Hamburg exuded a sense of calmness to it which was very attractive. Especially for someone like me accustomed to the hustle and bustle of Johannesburg, one of South Africa's largest cities, which can get overwhelming at time. Another difference is that the ease of travel within Hamburg in comparison to the complexities of navigating Johannesburg, making exploration a delightful and convenient experience.

However, one of the biggest differences for me was the cultural difference in interpersonal interactions. In Hamburg, people tended to be reserved and 'to themselves,' a marked difference from the warmth and communicative nature of South Africans. The initial cultural shock left me yearning for the familiar openness I was used to.

Yet, the staff and administration at Bucerius, led by Ms. Inga DiercksFerm and her international team, more than compensated for this. Their warm welcome and attentive care made my time there immensely enjoyable, and I greatly appreciated it.

Lerato, thanks for the interview!



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