Meet: Elene – Student of the 2022 MLB program

Elene Kakhniashvili just started as an MLB student. She told us about her formation in Georgia and why she now chose to study at the Bucerius Law School.

Forschung & Fakultät |

Dear Elene, from which country did you come to Bucerius Law School?

I come from Georgia, one of the oldest countries located on the Asia-Europe border. I can proudly say that Georgia is one of the fascinating countries with its enchanting landscapes and a wealthy culture. Furthermore, it is considered to be the birthplace of wine – that is quite a unique story to tell about this small country.


What was your experience coming to Hamburg for the first time? Which impressions did you gain of the city?

There is only one word to describe Hamburg – PERFECT. It already feels like home. The city has everything one can wish for – culture, nature, career opportunities, inclusive community… Living in a place like this and studying at one of the best law schools in Europe is like a dream come true. There is still a lot to explore, so I am looking forward to this unforgettable year in Hamburg!


Before coming to Bucerius Law School, you obtained an LLB and an MBA. Why did you choose to study law and business?

Studying Law was my kind of a “teenage dream”. I wanted to change the world (for good) and fight for human rights and that was the reason I chose the most prestigious faculty in Georgia – International Law. Those years spent at the law school gave me a different perspective towards the world and made me see the reality.

Meanwhile, in times when one needs to pave its way to success, I had to try my abilities in different fields, which was an eye-opening experience. I learned that one can do a lot for the world even without sitting in the UN office and can contribute to development by just working hard, dreaming big, and keeping purpose. That was when I decided to make a pragmatic decision and do my MBA, which would allow me to grow faster in my career and have different opportunities in life.


How do you think taking part in different moot courts will help you during your time at Bucerius Law School?

Participating in a moot court competition never was my “thing”, which I later realized was because I was not confident enough. Deciding to take part in a moot court means dedicating your life to this challenge, living with the problem, and thinking about it even when you are asleep. This requires courage, resistance, nerves, and a “never give up” attitude.

Moot courts are those exercises that show you what it is like to be a lawyer. Both Jessup and Vis Moot helped me acquire skills, like doing research, public speaking, academic/legal writing, etc. but most importantly, it taught me to work harder than I can and always believe in my team and myself. Those have crucial importance to succeed at Bucerius Law School.


What was your job in Georgia before moving to Hamburg?

I was working for an international corporation Majorel (former Arvato Bertelsmann), where I started as an intern in 2016 and became a corporate paralegal in 2021. The path was quite challenging, but it was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The corporate culture and values this company carries, the people it employs, and the management it has are extraordinary; it played a vital role in my career growth.


Why did you decide to get an MLB? How do you think having an MLB is going to help you pursue your career goals?

MLB is a program that brings together people from totally different backgrounds, cultures, legal systems… It allows students to keep the path to the challenging reality, learn more about modern legal and business developments, and make their knowledge matter in the real world. Looking at my background, I wanted to get an international perspective on both law and business, for which Bucerius Law School is one of the best places not only in Germany but in the whole world.

Now that I am studying at this program, it feels like traveling around the world and learning a lot about different legal and financial markets, which will definitely help us thrive anywhere around the globe.


What made you specifically choose Bucerius Law School to pursue an MLB?

Bucerius Law School is one of the best law schools that allow its students to see the reality and not only stare at the theory given in books. The program itself covers every subject any business lawyer, entrepreneur, or business person might need to succeed. Seeing the success stories of alumni made my choice easier. This is the university that cares about your future growth; lecturers, administrative staff, students - everyone is always ready to support you no matter what, which makes it feel like one huge family.


Elene, thanks for the interview.



Florian Helwich, Valeria Veneziano, Arne Lemke


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